Jet Drive - System sterowania
JP Marine jest autoryzowanym dystrybutorem firmy Castoldi Company
Whatever your budget allows, whatever your situation calls for, each and every Castoldi waterjet model has options to suit your requirements. We provide a complete range of fully integrated control systems, from simple mechanical to sophisticated electronic equipped with a joystick docking feature.
Provides the proportional control (follow-up) of the reversing bucket
actuated by means of a push/pull cable operated by the helm lever.
The helm lever is directly connected to the waterjet reversing bucket.
- Available for TD 224 DD
Provides the proportional control (follow-up) of the reversing bucket actuated by means of a push/pull cable operated by the helm lever.
The helm lever is directly connected to the spool of the hydraulic control valve on the waterjet hydraulic reversing actuator.
The helm lever can be set to any position whether or not the hydraulic system is operating; hence the position of the reversing bucket can be selected prior to the engine start-up.
- Available for all the models up to TD 490 H.C.T. included

Provides the on/off control (non-follow up) of the reversing bucket.
Electric cables connect a single axis joystick to a standard hydraulic solenoid valve (CETOP 3), that can be configured to either 12 or 24 volt systems, which in turn is connected to the waterjet hydraulic reversing actuator. An indicator is provided to show the reversing bucket position, through its full range of travel.
With this system, rather than having a joystick, it is possible to use the Castoldi
“Elli” single lever control box, which manages the reversing bucket though
an integrated switch and the engine rpm mechanically.
- Available for all the models up to TD 490 H.C.T. included

Allows both simultaneous and independent proportional control of twin waterjet buckets and engine throttles with just one hand.
Each rotating arm finely controls the bucket by a follow-up system through the electronic board built inside the control box, regardless of the engine rpm. Both levers provide independent control of the engine throttle, whether mechanical or electronic. It is supplied with a dedicated CU, reversing bucket position gauges and backup panel.
- Available for all the models up to TD 490 H.C.T. included

Manages the position of the reversing buckets through an electronic proportional control.
Built in polished stainless steel, IP 67, with a unique look and compact design, it it is easy to install and setup. It is supplied with a dedicated CU, reversing bucket position gauges and backup panel.
- Available for all the models up to TD 490 H.C.T. included

Described in the ACES section.
The helm wheel is directly connected to the waterjet steering nozzle,
through a push/pull cable.
- Available for TD 224 DD
The helm wheel hydraulic pump (oil self-fed) is directly connected to the waterjet hydraulic steering actuator, through hoses.
In multiple installations a tie rod is required to mechanically synchronize the waterjet steering nozzles.
- Available for all the models up to TD 340 H.C. included (only in single installation)

Hydraulic power assisted
The helm wheel hydraulic pump is directly connected to the waterjet hydraulic steering actuator through hoses, but the oil feed is taken from the waterjet integrated gearbox.
In multiple installations it is possible to switch the oil feed from one waterjet to another by means of a dedicated steering feed panel.
In multiple installations a tie rod is required to mechanically synchronize the waterjet steering nozzles.
- Available from TD 240 up to TD 490 H.C.T. included

Provides the on/off control (non-follow up) of the steering nozzle.
Electric cables connect a single axis joystick to a standard hydraulic solenoid valve (CETOP 3), that can be configured to either 12 or 24 volt systems, which in turn is connected to the waterjet hydraulic steering actuator. An indicator is provided to show the steering nozzle position, through its full range of travel. In multiple installations a tie rod is required to mechanically synchronize the waterjet steering nozzles.
- Available from TD 240 to TD 490 H.C.T. included

Described in the ACES section.
In multiple installations, the steering nozzles are electronically synchronized (no tie rod required).
A modular, software-configurable electronic control system based on modern CAN bus technology.
It uses separate microprocessor control units (IP 67) that can be connected in various combinations to build a vessel control system.
- Suitable for single and multiple installations
- Expandable from one to six control stations
- Computerized setup process
- Variety of control devices for different configurations
- Intuitive user interface
- Integrated hydraulic components and feedback sensors, waterjet mounted
- Cables with plug-in connectors
- Separate and independent backup systems provided, depending on the selected configuration
- Available from TD 240 H.C. to TD 600 H.C.T. included
The ACES electronic control system can be interfaced with:
- Bow thruster
- Autopilot interface
- Dynamic Positioning
- Smart Anchor
- USV interface for remote control platform
The system consists of 4 components (IP 67), one available as stand-alone option:
Electronic control box (available as stand-alone option)
Available with a single or twin lever, it manages the engine rpm and the waterjet bucket proportional control. Other functions are available through the switch panel to manage the waterjet built-in hydraulic clutch engagement/disengagement, the Clear-Duct unclogging system/grid opening, driving station recall and the engine rpm/reversing bucket synchro.
Each lever is equipped with a booster switch on the upper side, which can be used to accelerate the engine when the bucket is in intermediate positions, to get high thrust at low speed for a fine direction control.

Electronic steering system
Simplifies the traditional steering hydraulic apparatus by eliminating all hoses running from the helm to the waterjet.
It is equipped with an electromagnetic brake that allows adjustment of torque (hardness), helm rotation (number of turns) and settings to limit nozzle travel.
In multiple installations, the steering nozzles are electronically synchronized (no tie rod required).

Designed to assist the operator by simplifying all maneuvers. Inexperienced boaters will appreciate the simplicity of the “push to go” system, which is more intuitive than conventional controls, while master skippers will appreciate its ease of use for reducing time in docking operations.
The joystick can be moved freely along all its axes and rotated by turning the head.
It also incorporates a backlit switch panel for managing its activation, built-in hydraulic clutch engagement/disengagement,
bow thruster activation (if present) and joystick emergency deactivation.
A wireless version is also available, allowing full control from any position in the boat.

When activated, bypasses the ACES system and provides the combined direct control of the reversing, steering, clutch, movable grid and engine rpm for all the waterjets.

Manages the engagement/disengagement of the waterjet built-in hydraulic clutch on all the H.C. models except for the TD 240 H.C., which is equipped with a simple activation switch.
Controls the actuation of the movable grid and the Clear-Duct unclogging system (if installed).
- Available from TD 284 H.C.T. up tp TD 490 H.C.T. included
- Not present with the ACES electronic control box

Shows the waterjet oil level, pressure and temperature in real-time.
Incorporates alarms for low oil pressure, level and clogged oil filter.
- Standard from TD 340 H.C. to TD 600 H.C.T. included

Steering Feed
Switches the oil feed from one waterjet to another, in multiple installations, when the hydraulic power assisted steering system is installed.

Reversing bucket position gauge
Shows the reversing bucket position, through its full range of travel.
- Not present with the mechanical and mechanical/hydraulic control system
- Standard on all the models equipped with electric/hydraulic reversing control system and ACES

Steering nozzle position gauge
Shows the steering nozzle position, through its full range of travel.
- Not present with the ACES display
- Available for TD 284 while standard from TD 340 H.C. up to TD 600 H.C.T. included

Shows in real time, by means of a simple and intuitive graphic, the position of the steering nozzle and reversing bucket.
- Available with ACES as alternative to the gauges